• Sometimes borrowing can get out of hand. Debt can become a problem when you can’t afford the monthly payments, are constantly paying them late or you have to juggle finances to make payments.

    Amongst other things, you might need extra support if:

    • Your personal circumstances have changed - for instance, if you've been made redundant or you're dealing with a long term illness.
    • You’re behind with payments or worrying about paying bills.
    • You're up to your credit limit on a regular basis.

    Already missed a payment or worried about future payments? Please call us.

    Alternatively, for more information and details of organisations which offer free and impartial advice, please visit our managing debt pages.

    Whatever help you need, you really aren’t on your own. Just speaking to us won’t affect your credit score.

  • If you’ve been placed on a payment arrangement, we’ll have sent you a letter detailing everything you need to know, including the interest rates that apply while the arrangement is in place.

    After your payment arrangement ends, your standard contract rates at that time will apply. Refer to your account terms and conditions for details about these.

    To find out more, or if you’re still finding things hard, please call us.

    Whatever help you need, you really aren’t on your own. Just speaking to us won’t affect your credit score.

  • Losing a family member, friend or someone close to you is an emotional time, and can be overwhelming. We appreciate that dealing with practical matters at this time can be difficult, so we're here to help.

    Please call our bereavement team.

    Or write to us at: MBNA Bereavement Unit, MBNA Limited, Credit Card Operations, BX1 1LT

    When you contact us, you’ll need:

    • The date the person passed away. 
    • Where the death has been registered. 
    • The name, address, phone number and email address of the person dealing with the customer's account.

    For more guidance and support, visit our bereavements page.

  • Missed or late payments will be recorded on your credit file and could affect your future credit rating.

  • Making regular payments means you’ll avoid additional fees and charges, the risk of losing any promotional offers and any negative effect to your credit file, which is important if you want to apply for credit in future. Please also be aware that if you can’t make your minimum payments, your card may be blocked.

    We appreciate that sometimes borrowing can get out of hand. Debt can become a problem when you can’t afford the monthly payments, are constantly paying them late or you have to juggle finances to make payments.

    Amongst other things, you might need extra support if:

    • Your personal circumstances have changed - for instance, if you've been made redundant or you're dealing with a long term illness. 
    • You're behind with payments or worrying about paying bills. 
    • You're up to your credit limit on a regular basis.

    Already missed a payment or worried about future payments? Please call

    Want to change your payment due date? Please call

    Alternatively, if you’d prefer to read some information first, please visit our managing debt pagesVisit our managing debt pages.

    Whatever help you need, you really aren’t on your own. Just speaking to us won’t affect your credit score.

  • If you think we’ve recorded anything incorrectly, please write to:

    Customer financial assistance
    MBNA Limited
    PO Box 30
    Chester Business Park
    Wrexham Road

    You’ll need to include the relevant sections from your credit report, so it’d make sense to get a copy of that first. There are various credit reference agencies you can contact, but the main ones are ExperianVisit Experian website, EquifaxVisit Equifix website, and TransUnionVisit TransUnion website.

  • To speak to us about this, please call us. You’ll need all the information you’ve been issued by the debt management company close to hand. Standard network charges may apply.

    Whatever help you need, you really aren’t on your own. Just speaking to us won’t affect your credit score.

  • To speak to us about this, please call us.

    Whatever help you need, you really aren’t on your own. Just speaking to us won’t affect your credit score.

  • Someone you trust can help you to manage your credit card account.

    For more guidance and support, visit our appoint someone to manage your affairs page.

  • You'll receive a 'Notice of Sum in Arrears' letter if you've not made all or some of your minimum payment for 2 months. The letter will include information on what to do next and how we can help.

    For support, please call us

    Alternatively, please visit our managing debt pagesVisit our managing debt pages.

    Whatever help you need, you really aren’t on your own. Just speaking to us won’t affect your credit score.

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