Support with gambling
- we’re here to help you
Gambling can affect anyone and can quickly get out of control. So, if you have any concerns that gambling is affecting your finances, or that of a family member or friend, we can help.
We have practical online tools to help you manage your money and make you feel more in control. We also have support services and contacts for specialist advice to help you or someone you care about.
How we can help you
Through our Online Services and the MBNA Mobile App, you can view your recent and pending transactions. This can be useful to see how much you are spending on gambling each month. This may help you to see if your gambling spend is manageable or not.
Contact us
It may not feel easy to talk if you are worried about your gambling, but we have confidential support and a range of tools that might make things easier for you. For example;
- Stop limit increases – stopping automatic limit increases on your credit card account will limit access to extra funds.
- Representative access – if it helps, you can nominate someone you trust to manage your finances.
Get in touch and we’ll go through all of the options to help you get back on track. Call us on 0345 606 2062, Lines are open 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week. Closed on Bank Holidays. Not all Telephone Banking services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you would prefer not to speak to someone directly, you can use the secure messaging or webchat facilities available in the MBNA Mobile App and website.
Frequently asked questions
What transactions can/can’t be stopped?
Every time you pay for something with your card, we know the type of transaction being made. When your freeze is turned on, we’ll block any transaction attempted with those who identify themselves as gambling merchants. If the transaction doesn’t appear to have been made at a gambling merchant, or a merchant hasn’t authorised it with us first, then we won’t be able to stop it – even if you believe it to be gambling related.
Payments made in to your account, like winnings, withdrawals or refunds, will not be affected and will still go through.
If you report your card lost or stolen, you’ll need to turn your freeze back on when you get your replacement card.
How do I turn it off?
To turn the freeze off, just toggle off in the app. You won’t need to call us. Once you’ve done this, we’ll remove the freeze after 48 hours. If you change your mind you can toggle back on during this period.
How we can help
“Putting on a bet every now and then can be fun, but it can get out of control and for me it did. I lost everything, my relationship, my family, my home, my job but I just didn’t know how to stop, I always thought the next big win would fix things but it never did and soon it took over and before I knew it I was left with nothing”
- John, recovering problem gambler
That may sound familiar to you or it may be your biggest fear. Either way, we recognise that gambling can quickly spiral and get out of hand. We don’t want you to experience the same as John.
We have confidential and non-judgemental support that can get you back in control. The sooner you seek help, whether it’s by talking to us, reaching out to the gambling experts, or getting help from your friends and family, the better. We will support you and work with you to find the best solution to your challenge.
Expert advice
Don't bet your life on it is a player-led safer gambling initiative that can help you understand if you have an issue. They can provide you with tips and advice to make sure that you gamble safely.

Whether you need support for yourself or are looking to help someone else, TalkBanStop is a partnership that can help. They have practical tools and support to help you to stop gambling and maintain a successful journey to recovery.
You can access personal support from GamCare’s trained advisers, free access to Gamban blocking software which can be installed on multiple devices, and signposting to register for the free self-exclusion scheme, GAMSTOP. They also have links if you need to get in touch with your bank to limit gambling transactions.
You can access support online or by phone on 0808 8020 133, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They also have live chat, WhatsApp chat, Facebook Messenger and group chats and forums if you don’t want to talk to someone directly.